ISSUE 19 – Spring 2023





“Scaredy Pants” is a short animation by CCAD student Hope Margaritis. This was made for her 2D Fundamentals of Animation class and showcases a cute interaction between two forest creatures who may seem unlikely to get along. Taking about a quarter of her fall semester in 2022 (four to five weeks), she animated and coordinated its sound design. This project was a learning curve and a turning point for the artist. She learned how long it takes too animate and began to find her style in this realm of creatures and communication. Although this isn’t part of a series, she hopes to eventually develop it further. Visit Hope’s Instagram here.

Student Credits

Issue 19, Spring 2023


Norah Clous


Jason Morrow

Assistant Editor


Grayson Cooper

Cover Art Assets & Website Feature Image – @mossymorels


Cover Design

Literary Editors

Cameron Jones

Jack Olson

Jason Morrow

Magnus Tatum

Art Editors

Norah Clous

Elaina Daum


Olivia Liberti

Mollie Malizia


Luis Castaneda

Gillian Claire Swearingen

Presley Turner

Tim Rodriguez

Website Design

Sarah Harris

Cynthia Knerr

Guard Dog Layson

Faculty Advisors

Robert Loss

Department Head of Writing, Literature, and Philosophy, Liberal Arts

Dr. Sophia Kartsonis

Professor of Writing, Literature, & Philosophy, Liberal Arts

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