Hello writers (and readers) of CCAD! In preparation for next week’s Red Wheelbarrow, we’ve asked faculty reader and Botticelli advisor, the terrific professor Dr. Sophia Kartsonis, some questions about our reading series and poetry. Red Wheelbarrow will also features students Ian Drescher and Zia Joyce! Join us Wednesday April 3 at 6:30pm in the Canzani Screening Room.
How do you think Red Wheelbarrow influences CCAD students?
SK: I love that we read together, that professors and students are reading at the same event, together. I love the community of it. The implicit democracy.
Do you know what you’ll be reading at Red Wheelbarrow?
SK: I’m attempting to read new work, some of my sabbatical work. There will likely be chickens, there will likely be eggs.
What do you think about William Carlos Williams?
SK: He holds up over time. I love his complex simplicity. He’s like a fine wine.
What other poets and writers do you recommend?
SK: I love Williams’ contemporary, Wallace Stevens. I love Anne Sexton. Currently: I love Ocean Vuong and Ilya Kaminsky and Simone Muench.
You have the power to change one thing about the world. What would you change?
SK: Makers, not destroyers.
There you have it! Be sure to stop by the Canzani screening room on Wednesday April 3rd at 6:30PM and hear Sophia read her work alongside some current CCAD students.